Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Mr. Bowman was smiling!

Guys, that was an AWESOME way to start the year, in my opinion. My parents said the wind symphony was AMAZING! and the best it's sounded in a long time...which is either an insult to us last year, or a compliment...anyway. The orchestra was not so good. Um, but what do you expect? What with all the cuts...but Hannah, your solos were awesome. SO good!

PS-nobody laid an egg, or a clam...that's so not cool.


soccerball said...

Wait a sec. . . I'm not remembering the "clam" comment from Mr. H. What/when did he say that? And BTW, he didn't end up playing the "bells" did he? :)

Natalie said...

You're right! He didn't play the bells! Hm...this is weird. In the EMR he was talking about how there were a lot of people missing, then he said "Well, if someone who isn't here lays an egg tonight, or a clam...that's not cool." So, that's the weird comment. BTW, guess what I'm listening to! My favorite part of "Rodeo"! The cello part! We have it on a CD. That just made my day.