Wednesday, December 06, 2006

This is kinda a funny picture

Someone (besides me) needs to blog something. Mark! Hannah! Matt! You know you want to.

(see the looks of outrage and unbelief on the faces of The Claminator and the Entertainment Factor? This is because you guys never blog. Minus 20 HP for you.)


Chlorine Addict said...

Are you kidding me? I have three blogs to keep up with! I don't need a fourth!

soccerball said...

My deepest apologies for not posting blogs. If I had the technological savvy and resources of funny pictures, I would blog. Then again, if I had a funny bone in my body, I would rely on my wit and intellect to write a funny blog. But sorry, I got nothin'.

Noelle said...

I would post but uh...I'm not part of the group, haha