Sunday, February 04, 2007

Sir Clark And ASCAP

So, in honor of my first post on this blog, despite being on it since it was created, I decided I would do something a little bit awesome. Here goes. In a math formula:



Is that not the greatest thing you've ever seen? I used to think that people didn't look good in sombreros, but Sir Clark pulls it off with aplomb. I think that guy looks great in just about anything though. Being around as long as he has, what with being one of the Three Nephites and all, he must have picked up some great fashion sense somewhere. Which he obviously did. SIR CLARK ROCKS!!!


soccerball said...

So, I've been thinking about this, and I've concluded that personalities = facial hair. Here's the logic: A sombrero ALTERS personalities. Therefore, sombreros have to change something. But the only thing that changed on Mr. Clark when a sombrero was added was that he grew a moustache. So, sombreros alter facial hair. q.e.d. (If you don't already know what "qed" means, and your dad happens to teach math, maybe you should go ask him.)
P.S. No wonder Mark was so obsessed with the Les Mis guy's "stache!"

Chlorine Addict said...

Well, actually, I was going to make him happy, with a smile, but that was really going too far to change SIr Clark. You really just can't give him a smile. As far as I know, that's as close to a smile as he gets.

Natalie said...

That really is the greatest thing I've ever seen. I don't know Sir Clark personally, and he always kinda scared me, but once I saw the sombrero picture, I realized almost immeadiately that he is a kindred spirit.

Noelle said...

So, if he's a Nephite, then does that mean he's of Latin American Descent, and really should look good in a sombrero?

Chlorine Addict said...

Genius! You are absolutely correct! Way to think outside, or perhaps inside, or perhaps not having anything at all to do with the box.