Monday, January 29, 2007

Spark of Creation

So, this is my first blog contribution. Talk about tardy. Well, my rationalization for the delay is that I'm not bright enough to say anything worthwhile, and I don't have the technological savvy it requires to post pictures. But then I realized something: I don't have to come up with great things to say; I can just steal great stuff other people have said and put it on the blog! To be honest, it was an epiphany. In any event, this is one of my favorite songs ever from one of my favorite musicals ever. Both the music and words are fabulous, but you only get half of the enjoyment on this blog. So go see the show sometime if you get a chance. I love this song!

“The Spark of Creation”
From Children of Eden
I've got a itching on the tips of my fingers
I've got a burning in the back of my brain
I've got a hunger burning inside cannot be denied
I've got feeling that the Father who made us
When he was kindling a pulse in my veins
He left a tiny spark of that fire, smoldering inside
The spark of creation, is flickering within me
The spark of creation, is blazing in my blood
A bit of the fire that lit up the moon
And brought into the mud, the first inspiration
The spark creation

I see a mountain and I want to climb it
I see river and I want to leave shore
Where there was nothing let there be something, something made by me
There's things waiting for me to invent them
There's things waiting for me to explore
I am an echo of the eternal cry of
Let there be!

The spark of creation, burning bright within me
The spark of creation, won't let me rest at all
Until I discover or build or uncover
A thing that I can call, my celebration
Of the spark creation
The spark of creation, may it burn forever
The spark creation, I am a keeper of the flame
We think all we want is a lifetime of leisure
Each perfect day the same
Endless vacation

Well that's all right if you're a kind of crustacean
But when you're born with an imagination
Sooner of later you're feeling the fire getting hotter and higher
The spark of creation


Noelle said...

Wow, Fa. That's beautiful. I keep thinking I've seen that play, but I keep remembering that I still need to do that. I guess now I've got another reason :D (and you are more likely too bright to lower yourself to the level of blogging than not bright enough to blog anything)

Chlorine Addict said...

Wow. This is exactly like Valeri and Katie's blog!

soccerball said...

Ouch, Mr. Chlorine. I think that was a cut.

Natalie said...

Yep. "Yikes" is what went through my mind when I read little Mr. Sunshine's quote. That hurts, Mark. Anyway, DE, I thought it was a good post.